Time Guardian did not create a MSSQL db and client software fails to open
The Time Guardian server install does not create a MSSQL db and the client software fails to provide access.
- Browse to the Time Guardian db folder and run the mssql.sql script via MSSQL studio or SQL Query Analyzer
- Run the TG_Default_inserts.sql scripts towards the TG db
- Create a copy of the applicationContext.xml file in the Time Guardian conf folder then update the 17th line of the file with your db server’s IP address or computer name. The line should look like this:
Note: To identify a different MSSQL instance is used than the default:
<value>jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://MSSQL_SERVER_IP_OR_NAME tg;instance=MSSQL_INSTANCE_NAME</value>
Article Number: 247
Author: Tue, Mar 22, 2011
Last Updated: Thu, Mar 24, 2011
Author: Frank Mateo [fmateo@amano.com]
Online URL: http://tkb.amano.com/article.php?id=247