How to move punches up a line or down a line when punch is on the wrong day and preventing total to be calculated

How to move punches up a line or down a line when punch is on the wrong day and preventing total to be calculated


  1. Locate the punch to be moved, since it’s on the wrong day/line
  2. Highlight the punch
  3. Right click the punch
  4. To move the punch up, select Previous Shift
  5. To move the punch down, select Shift Override
  6. Then press the Save button

Note: A punch cannot have both Previous Shift and Shift Override option checked at the same time - only one or the other. Only applies to Time Guardian Plus, Pro, and Time Guardian version 5 or higher.

If you are interested in this feature but you have Time Attendant or TG version 4 or lower, please contact or 800 367 6649 to purchase one of the new Time Guardian series.

Article Number: 390
Author: Wed, Sep 21, 2011
Last Updated: Wed, Aug 10, 2016
Author: Frank Mateo []

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