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PIX-75 Atomic Time Clock Installation and Operation Guide

The PIX-75 Atomic Time Clock recognizes and responds to your American English voice commands. Set the time, Daylight Saving, Print Direction, Print Language, Print Method, Atomic Clock, Display Format and even select a pre-designed Print Format using simple voice commands.
Say "Hello Clock" and the clock responds "Welcome, to the Amano time clock, what would you like to change?" The speak your command, for example "Time" to set the time and the PIX-75 will respond appropriately using prompts to guide you.
Also, the clock is completely programmable using top mounted buttons.
Open and/or print the attached PDF formatted document for complete installation and operation instructions. See the PIX-75 Quick-Start Guide in the Amano Knowledge Base for basic instruction. Watch for upcoming instructional product videos in the Knowledge Base.
  • Attached Files
  • pix-75-install-n-oper-guide.pdf (2.31 MB) 4946
    1. Can I change our time clock to military time? If so, how?Thank you! REPLY: Please call 800 253 9836.

    2. Hello, how do I change the date on my time clock. PIX-75. Thank you for your time. REPLY: Please call 800 253 8936.

    3. can i open the clock without the keyneed to replace tape someone lost the key REPLY: Please call 800 253 9836.

    4. I say hello clock and nothing happensHow do i get voice control to work ? REPLY: Please call 800 253 9836.

    5. My Pix 75 won’t keep memory when unplugged and then plugged in again. I have changed the battery 3 times..Thanks for your help. Ron REPLY: Please call 800 253 9836.

    6. Only printing the day not the time or the full date. REPLY: Please call 800 253 9836.

    7. Is there any way to shorten the print format for standard time? It shows several options for military but only one for standard. It really takes up alot of room on the time card ============================================================================== REPLY: There is a custom symbol printing in page 2-4 of the manual. This is where you can create your own custom print style.

    8. I have a PIX-75 that is about 3 years old. Just this morning, on the screen, below the time, it says "SET UP". It will not print now. Any help is appreciated.Thanks,Peter HanceHance Ace Hardware ============================================================================== REPLY: See link -

    9. Is there any way for at the end of the week that the time clock will sum up the hours for you? Reply: Please call 800 253 9836

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