Quickbooks sync & integration requirements/guidelines
Quickbooks sync/integration requirements:
Install the following programs which are included in the Time Guardian CD:
- QBFC 8.0 - check your Windows add/remove programs if already present
- Enter new employees in QB only, then file menu - sync in TG
- When running payroll in TG, make sure you are not in QB’s payroll section - scheduled or unscheduled
- No commas in QB employee fields
- No letters in QB employee phone number fields
- Any employees that will use the clock will need to have a QB account number
- Any hourly employee in QB will require the "use time data" checked from their QB employee’s rate page
- QB pay item names(hourly,reg, ot, overtime, etc.) must be 21 or less characters
- Salaried that will use the clock should be filtered out in the TG payroll profile
- TG payclass - overtime setting - hours authorization should be disabled unless if daily hours per employee should be approved by check mark per day line
- QB employees that do not have a common QB pay item should have a separate TG payroll profile per group/per department
- Optional- QB "customer:job" or "service item" fields can be mapped as TG departments or labor level for hours job costing
Additional info: http://tkb.amano.com/phpkb/article.php?id=9
Note: Applies to Time Guardian 5.x, Plus, Pro 4.x, and Quickbooks 2009 or higher (desktop software only, web not supported)