Lost Password
If you’ve lost or forgotten your password, fax a request to 1-973-226-7863 or email tgsupport @ amano . com / ttsupport @ amano . com / customersupport @ amano . com and provide the following:
- Signature
- Your full name
- Job title
- Company name
- Company address
- Phone number
- Indicate which software:
- Time Guardian icon is a FULL circle or QUARTER of a circle
- Time Guardian Plus or Pro
- TruTime
- TS3000i (Blackbox ASTC3000)

Hey, the person previously in charged of the Admin Menu quit, and we have not been able to reach him to this date. Id like to know if there is a way to either reset it or override it. REPLY: Please call 800 896 7035.
Hey, I need help because I forgot my password and I can’t to enter in the program of version 5.6. I need to change the password.Please respond as soon as possible. REPLY: Please call 800 896 7035.
need password REPLY: Please email tgsupport at amano.com or call 800 896 7035.
I need to change the password for our Time Guardian System. Should the password be changed frequently? ============================================================================== REPLY: It's not required but it's good practice to do so. This is normally in edit - change password. 800 896 7035x2