How to move punches up a line or down a line when punch is on the wrong day and preventing total to be calculated
How to move punches up a line or down a line when punch is on the wrong day and preventing total to be calculated
- Locate the punch to be moved, since it’s on the wrong day/line
- Highlight the punch
- Right click the punch
- To move the punch up, select Previous Shift
- To move the punch down, select Shift Override
- Then press the Save button
Note: A punch cannot have both Previous Shift and Shift Override option checked at the same time - only one or the other. Only applies to Time Guardian Plus, Pro, and Time Guardian version 5 or higher.
If you are interested in this feature but you have Time Attendant or TG version 4 or lower, please contact or 800 367 6649 to purchase one of the new Time Guardian series.
When you have an OUT punch that is pretending to be a new line of IN punch, simply right click on the OUT punch that is pretending as IN then select PREVIOUS SHIFT, press the purple save icon.Done.
EVERY TIME THAT I ENTER A MANUAL PUNCH GIVE ME AN EXTRA SPACE IN YELLOW ============================================================================== REPLY: Thank you for you comment. Please call 800-253-9836 option #3 for assistance.