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User Guide for Time Guardian Series (TG 5.x, TG Plus 2.x, TG Pro 4.x)

Download the attached User Guide/Manual for Time Guardian Series (Time Guardian 5.x, Time Guardian Plus 2.x, Time Guardian Pro 4.x, and Nexus Lite Management [NLM] 1.x)

  • Attached Files
  • tg-series-user-guide.pdf (11.27 MB) 10031
  • tg551_user-guide.pdf (22.1 MB) 2113
    1. How would I go about changing the pay period interval in the pay class tab after it has been selected? It will continue to be bi weekly but start date is changing. REPLY: This will creation of new payclasses.

    2. Hello!I use amano in my work but the time card of the employe dnt appear all day of the week. My company work 24/7 days. What can I do REPLY: Please call 800 896 7035.

    3. Can prior year time cards for individual employee be printed? If so how? REPLY: This will be in output - reports - we would recommend to run quarterly as yearly may have too much info. 800 896 7035

    4. My timeclock is off by four minutes. I can not find anything in Time Guardian where I can change this. REPLY: Communication - select name of clock - set time/green box with circle 800 896 7035

    5. Is there a setting to convert hours into a decimal format for payroll entry? We have the FPT-80 REPLY: This will be in your company setting - 2nd tab.

    6. Adding a new employee (done); went to communicaitons, poll all terminals (done); and download time , validating, setting (done) New employee shows in computer, shows when swipe card @ terminal ... time does not show up on computer timecard??? Any tricks? What set am I missing? thank you, Barbara REPLY: Please call 800 896 7035. There could be a problem with hourly setting vs. salary or the hire date.

    7. I appreciate that someone help with directions to generate the payroll report in excel REPLY: Please call 800 896 7035

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