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How to sync ethernet a Hand Punch and Time Guardian

How to sync ethernet HP and TG


The below steps entails a how to sync ethernet Hand Punch and Time Guardian version 4.x or lower

  1. Connect HP to network, press clear + enter then password 2, set IP settings
  2. Install TG on PC, add employee (badge number must be same number used for HP)
  3. On HP to enroll employee, press clear + enter then password 4 + enter (1st enrolled is automatically a supervisor)
  4. ID# used to enroll on HP must match badge number used for employee on TG
  5. Press clear and test punch (score is confirmation for punch)
  6. On TG, setup menu > terminal - specify terminal details, no COM port, save
  7. Go to the Terminal tab, add terminal number 0, save
  8. Confirm employees is listed on assignments tab, if not, double click your terminal 0(highlighted in blue), select the new white paper icon - top left and add/select all employees, finally save
  9. Go to HP commands tab, then click poll - retrieves the punches from the clock
  10. Then click download - sends the day light saving settings to your clock
  11. Then click receive maps - backs up the enrollment hand maps from your clock to the software



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