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I/O error on F_Dpunch.btr

Just after polling, or while going into Edit Daily Data, the user gets "I/O error" on the file F_Dpunch.btr.  This error is related to corruption in the main files that Trutime uses to store and process employee time history. THIS I... Read More

TruTime Compatibility

Windows Operating Systems that Trutime is compatible with: Windows XP  Windows Server 2000 Windows Server 2003  Operating systems that Trutime has not been tested on and not approved for are: Windows Vista Windows 7 All... Read More

F_Mikey Error

When I try to log into Trutime I get the error f_mikey error, followed by a succession of other errors. the f_mikey.btr in the main apps rutime directory is directly linked with checking a users rights to the Trutime directory and its files.  S... Read More

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